Saturday, July 11, 2009

Am I Horrible?

I know that it's been a while since I have posted...not much has happened over the last few days. Today was a bit emotional though. I gave Leilani her first bit of formula today. A friend of mine had told me that to get her lil one to sleep through the night she would give her some formula for her night feeding. Leilani I have been feeling like my lil mama hasn't been getting satisfied with my milk. I have noticed that my milk supply seems to be lacking. So I thought that I would try the formula to see how it would be for her. Needless to say it took me almost 25 minutes just to bring myself to put the bottle in her mouth. She sucked down about 2 oz of it and fell to sleep. I love my lil girl and I want the absolute best for her. Why am I sooo brain washed about this whole formula and breast milk thing? I don't know why I feel horrible. Its hard to think about the fact that I just gave my lil girl artificial milk....should I feel like a failure? I really think that I am blowing this whole ordeal out of proportion....Maybe I will feel better in the morning.....

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th

Wow, these last 2 days have gone by in such a blur. Yesterday, we went and took family pictures.....
And it really was a lot of fun. I would have to say that we look A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. Little mama did very well. We had to stop and take a quick break because someone got fussy and had to be fed. But let me tell you, those photography studios are worse than used car sales men. Travis and I went in for the $9.95 package. You know the one where you get like 50 pictures of a single pose....Please explain to me how we ended up walking out of there with 13 poses and over 100 pictures...totaling close to $200. We even went in there with a game plan and said that we would be very on purpose about how much we would spend. This was not the case....that woman was good. She was good, she tried to get us to buy over 23 poses for a ridiculous amount of $$$$. But I have to admit that every picture that we got was great and she did a really good job. Take a look:

I even went and got my hair done yesterday. It was a nice day....

Fast forward to today.......we went to all of the families houses today and spent time with the parents (grandparents). The only thing about going to BBQ's is that I don't ever eat anything that anyone made. I don't eat pork, beef, or chicken (on the bone). So that leaves me to eat the bread and maybe some dessert....Needless to say I had fun WATCHING everyone else eat. So when we got home we chilaxed for a little bit and then Princess Leilani got hungry. I think that I have officially been inducted to the mommyhood......After I fed the baby she decided to spit up ALL over me....I mean down my bra and everything it was gross. But that's not the worst of it, so when I thought she was finished I laid her on my chest and started patting her back to get out any last minute bubbles from her tummy. You can only guess what happened next, yes, she pooped through her diaper all over my stomach, YUCK!!! It was disgusting, but I have to admit I handled it better than I expected. I guess theres something about handling the bodily fluids of you infant child that makes it not so disgusting :) Well thats been my day

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

New Addition

So on June 3, 2009 my life changed forever. At 12:21 pm Leilani Elizabeth made her grand entrance to this world. Now 4 weeks later she is absolutely amazing. We have had a few bumps in the road but we are both learning our new roles. She loves to sleep ALLL day and stay up all night. However, I haven't been able to readjust my schedule to be able to sleep all day and stay up all night. The piece of advice that I keep getting from people is to sleep when the baby is sleeping....this is alot easier said than done. Travis is working so I feel bad asking him to help me with her at night. Well enough of the rant..... Introducing Leilani Elizabeth Boyce:
This outfit describes her perfectly...from birth (literally). She gave us quite a scare when she was attempting to enter this universe.....

She looks so serene in this picture.....

I love how she makes a million faces in her sleep.

I think someone might be camera shy!!! :)

Look at my beautiful purple princess!!

Monday, June 29, 2009


So I have a couple of friends that have been into this blogging thing for a while. I never thought that I would be interested in writing about my life online, but now that I am at home on maternity leave with very little adult interaction for the better part of the day, it seems like something that I want to try out. Not to say that anyone will actually read this, but at least I can pretend :) Well, my name is Serena and I have been happily married to Travis for a little more than 3 years now. We are happy to say that we are proud parent now to a beautiful baby girl. If I can figure out how to upload pictures on hear I will definitely post some pictures of her. Travis is a teacher and coach, and I am a retail manager. Well at least for right now. You see I have been trying to figure out if going back to work at 5o hours a week is conducive with having a little one in the house. I am love the company that I work for, its just I don't want to miss out, and I know that my main priority will be my daughter and I don't know if I can knowingly go back to work as a manager knowing that I can't commit the time and effort, that I am accustomed to the job. Well I have some thinking to do..... I am about to try and put down the little one. Will post more tomorrow. Good night!!!

About Me

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Harker heights, TX, United States